Weight Management

The success rate of dieters is 15%, half the success rate of Everest climb attempts.

Don’t kid yourself, weight management (losing weight and keeping it off) is hard.

At Habitlauncher.com we know first hand and we’re here to make it easy.

After years of doing the yo-yo, gaining weight, losing weight, gaining weight, we peaked at a BMI just short of obese.

This triggered a quest to figure out what works to manage weight successfully and improve the dismal success rate of dieters. After classes on nutrition, weight management, well-being and a lasting double digit weight drop, we now share our approach to weight management.

Our Approach to Weight Management

System over goals. We are what we repeatedly do, day in, day out, rain or shine. By building and applying one’s individual system, one can change and reach one’s weight related aspiration.

“One changes by feeling good” and by doing what we are able and willing to do.

There are 4 pillars of weight management: diet, exercise, sleep and stress management.

Diet and exercise are indispensable but ensure sleep and stress are supporting you.

Proper habits are key to develop these pillars. We spend close to half our days in habit mode. Habits influence what we eat, how much we eat, how we exercise, how we sleep and manage stress. Have them support your system and the changes you want to make.

“Easy wins it”

Start easy, easier than that and don’t break the chain

Long term, you just cannot outrun a bad diet. Nutrition is essential.

Food quality first, then quantity. We see food as energy and information. Feed the body high quality information with what you eat and it will let you know how much to eat. 

There are no diet fits all. Find what fits your preferences. As often as possible, eat high quality real food. Focus on whole food and avoid ultra processed items. When unsure about the quality of processed food, avoid food items with vegetable and seed oils, added sugars, or refined carbs.

“Do your best, forget the rest”. Eat what is right, whenever you can. Take it easy on you and others when you can’t. 

When exercising, anything is better than nothing. Intensity brings results and potentially saves a ton of time. If possible and cleared by a physician, work out with intensity, adding intervals to your cardio and doing strength training till fatigue.

Our 30-Day New Habits Pack for Weight Loss incorporates these principles to build new habits and create your individual system for weight loss. 

E-book 30-Day New Habits Pack

Habitlauncher’s e-book, 30-Day New Habits Pack for Weight Loss is an email based program.

Over 30 days, in tiny actionable doses, you get the necessary information on the four pillars of weight management and how to build proper habits.

The plan is action based. Every day, with easy actions and to do’s, the 30-Day Pack provides a step by step, take me by the hand process to build your individualized system for weight management.

You will learn about and use 10 useful tools to lose weight successfully.

The 30-Day Pack, provided as an e-book and over 30 days in tiny actionable doses via email, includes:

  • A tutorial on the four pillars of weight management
  • A step by step guide to build proper habits
  • Daily actions and to do’s to build your system for weight loss
  • 10 useful tools for optimal weight
  • The necessary elements to lose weight successfully

Our guide, New Habits for Weight Loss also provides the following potential benefits:

  • Feel good about yourself
  • Improve mentally and physically
  • More energy
  • Lasting weight loss
  • Discover the secret to form new habits in all areas of your life

E-book, 30-Day New Habits Pack for Weight Loss, available now for a limited time only for CHF 9.-

Now also available on Gumroad here. Not free, yet it’s our best work.