The Guide to New Habits

Lose Weight and Improve Your Life in Just 30 Days Using These Science-Backed Methods

Dear friend,

I’ve never felt more embarrassed in my life than I did at that moment.

I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

The most humiliating moment of my life happened a few years ago on a family skiing trip to the Alps.

I fell off my board on an easy slope. As much as I tried, I had gotten so overweight, I couldn’t get back to my feet… Much to the amusement of those around me.

As some staff from the slopes pulled me to my feet with great struggle and escorted me to a safe zone, past all the giggling onlookers, I swore to myself I would never feel this embarrassment again.

I was going to lose weight – one way or another,

I had tried and failed before. Many times. So I knew I had to come up with something different this time.

Gain the knowledge

I set about studying scientific research from some of the most prestigious institutes like Stanford, Yale, and Berkeley, among others. 

After I had gained the knowledge I needed, I had to find a way to make it stick…

See, if you’re like how I was, you’ve likely failed time and time again with your goals because you don’t yet know the theory behind achieving them. Or you don’t know how to apply it.

And I want to tell you… It’s not your fault.

You have been relying on motivation and determination, which as you now know, doesn’t last for long.

I know this because I failed for years with my fitness goals for this same reason.

And that’s why I spent countless hours coming up with my system to implement the “Four Pillars” of weight management. 

This very system helped me lose 35 lbs and counting! It has allowed me to live a healthier and happier life.

Build your system

And you can too, lose weight and improve your life.

You see, the system taught in this e-book is a collection of proven processes backed by science. And this system will be explained in great detail in my e-book, ‘The Guide to New Habits’.

Inside you will find information that will finally allow you to build your system to achieve your goals.

Information like:

  • Why this Bruce Lee lifestyle commandment is critical to your success and how my system helps you implement it. See page 5.
  • Discover something you are likely doing that is getting in the way of you forming solid, good habits and reaching your goals. See page 26
  • How to create powerful systems that build associations between cues and behaviours, making it easier to stick to our intentions. See page 8
  • The one lifestyle tip recommended by the Stanford Prevention Research Center that allows you to lose weight consistently WITHOUT COUNTING CALORIES. See page 30
  • How to create SMART goals that you can CRUSH and build momentum from. See page 22
  • WARNING –  your bad habit loops are preventing you from reaching your goals. Discover how you can purge them forever and how to start forming habit loops that align with your goals. See page 10
  • The ignored but effective“mentality-hack” that solidifies your determination and makes you appreciate what you have. See page 27
  • How to mould and control your environment to give you the greatest chance of success and make sure you don’t cave into temptations. See page 22.

Look, you can continue on the path you have been on for years.

Starting and stopping. Giving up at the first hurdle you encounter due to your motivation dropping, or because you don’t know how to avoid temptation.

Or you can finally achieve what it is you have always dreamed of.

You can get the flat stomach you have always craved…  You can, at last, seduce your lifelong crush… and you can join in when your friends go hiking or play sports. Or how about being able to wear swimwear at the beach without feeling a deep sense of shame?

You will learn how all of this is possible for you inside ‘The Guide to New Habits’.

But that’s not all you will find inside. You will also find golden nuggets of knowledge like:

  • What you MUST do EVERY NIGHT to ensure you get one of the key elements your body needs to burn fat and build muscle optimally. See page 12
  • Discover the writing task I used to build a diet optimized for weight loss AND a better functioning body. See page 7
  • Why the WHO’s recommendation for exercise is unnecessary, and a simpler AND quicker way to meet your daily exercise requirements. See page 23
  • Do this one thing instead of counting calories and experience benefits like increased fat burning, greater mental clarity and more energy. See page 33.
  • You won’t believe this Stanford behavioural scientist’s methodology to creating good habits and making them stick. See page 11
  • Are you making use of this scientifically proven way to speed up your metabolism AND look & feel better for it? See page 9
  • This single activity will help you attain superhuman levels of focus, stress reduction, sleep and help you crush your goals… AND It will also help you lose weight. See Page 29
  • Why stress is preventing you from reaching your fitness goals and how to finally rid yourself of stress, allowing you to be a happier, more productive person. See page 15
  • This four-part, habit-forming method was created by a professor of psychology after 20 years of research. Learn how you can start using it TODAY to form powerful habits. See page 13.

Crush your goals

This book has all the information you need to absolutely crush your goals.

If you follow the system laid out in the e-book, you will make solid progress.

So by now, you must be wondering how many hundreds of dollars a proven system that is backed up by science would cost you?

Well, you are way off the mark. This guide to crushing your weight loss goals and living a healthier, happier life will cost you less than your monthly Netflix subscription at only $9.

And that’s a one-time payment.

What amazing value, right?

And on the off chance you don’t like this e-book, which I would find tough to believe if you actually implemented the system inside… What then?

Well, I don’t believe in guarantees, as I feel it gives people an easy excuse to not give something their best effort.

With that said, I am so sure of the system I created and achieved my weight loss goals with, that I am happy to offer a 30 DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE – NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

As you can see, you’ve absolutely nothing to lose.

So why not learn how to create a system that will allow you to drop your bad habits and build new ones that will let you lose weight and improve your life.

I look forward to having the new you join me on this journey.

Your friend,

Habit Launcher

PS: the Guide to New Habits is now also available on Gumroad here